In a nod to Fallout 4, the new Weapons and Armor crafting rooms, players can turn junk items into things that the player can use by crafting. Now that players will need junk, the Lunchboxes will have a fifth item of junk. Junk will also be available from your Wasteland wanderers. 

Ever just killed off one of your dwellers because you did not want their hairstyle dirtying the gene pool of your vault? Well, now that won’t be a problem because the Barbershop is a newly available room for your vault. Players will now be able to customize the look of their vault dwellers. 

Expanding on the last update that brought cats and dogs to the vault, parrots will now be available as pets. Some more dogs and cats have also been added, as well as new pet bonuses. 

Also, the game can now simulate the passing of the day with a moving sun.