Early Life Faauuga Moliga is a local of San Francisco and furthermore has a place with San Francisco Unified School District graduated class. He was raised in the neighborhood of San Francisco of Bernal Heights and Hunter’s Point, where he resided with his family in broad daylight lodging.


While being an understudy of Paul Revere Elementary, he acquired direct understanding of SFUD, and numerous different schools including Downtown High Continuation, Burbank Middle School, McAteer High School, John Adams, and in conclusion as the alumni from Balboa High School. Later in his life, he came to comprehend the significance of state funded instruction while being associated with the schools as a dad of his kids.

Moliga went to San Jose State University and got a four year certification in Justice Studies. Prior in school, he had the goal of turning into a legal counselor. However, he left the school when he found that main five out of 55 Pacific Islanders at Burton had a 2.00 GPA. Be that as it may, there was an absence of help for the Pacific Islander understudies and Moliga was constrained to begin TOUCH (Take Out Until Completely Healed). He ran a program for something like six years that depended on supporting 100 young ladies and prompting essentially a 90% school change rate for all seniors.

Faauuga Moliga Career Faauuga has worked for various projects including an understudy support program that depended on aiding no-show understudies constantly. After this program, he attempted his hands with the functioning assortment of Burton High School where he had an expansion in the school participation and furthermore chipped away at the diminishing in its push-out rate. While he was associated with Burton, Faauuga broadened the help for PUMA forestall drive. After he finished his work with Burton, Moliga began reading up for San Jose State University’s School of Social Work. His work was related with the grouping of psychological wellness and civil rights.

Regardless of this, he got himself interned for the SFUSD understudy mediation group and furthermore enjoyed a year with the Carver Elementary School while chipping away at the wide help of the framework and individual guiding of the understudies and teachers. Moliga moved on from a perceived everyday schedule and was subsequently enrolled by the Richmond Area Multi-Services where he was recruited as an advisor for June Jordan High School. Today, He works for the Department of Public Health Community Wellness Program where his work is to construct wellbeing focuses with the act of injury informed practices for understudies at Downtown High School, where he plays out his obligations one time each week.

Faauuga is as of now the glad dad of three children. He has two young ladies who are signed up for a state funded school in the San Francisco region. His children were going to the school outside the city however presently they have enlisted themselves in a San Francisco private secondary school. Moliga has not given some other insight about his better half’s personality and the way that he met his significant other prior to engaging in marriage pledges.

Faauuga Moliga Net Worth Faauuga Moliga is doubtlessly procuring millions. He has been engaged with different projects started for the school-going children and understudies. He has worked for the emotional well-being and the equity of the understudies in their secondary everyday schedule school. It is his endeavors and difficult work that is helping many youngsters to lay out their very much kept up with practices in schooling.