Faced with an unknown enemy in the midst of a civil war, a search and rescue team is launched when a research vessel’s shields (which make the ship invisible to the aliens below) fails. The scientists aboard stop communicating as all systems are down. Finding any survivors as well as collecting the augmented reality logs that hold important research data are the focus of your mission.

The team behind The Station is a group of industry veterans. Having worked on games such as League of Legends, Destiny and the original Crash Bandicoot, there is years of experience going into the creation of The Station. Looking to create a story rich game with which they could take their time to produce, these industry vets decided to embark on the indie game journey.

To learn more, you can check out The Station’s alternate-reality website. Here, the backstory is laid out in great detail. What’s more, the site serves the game’s information hub, with various updates and news posts. Their Kickstarter page not only contains screenshots, more videos and information about the creators, but also details the amazing rewards that come with backing. Check out The Station now.