In an Instagram post, the finance manager lamented the conversion standard of the US dollar to the Nigerian Naira. He proceeded to say that everybody is going through a ton however claiming to be fine.

He composed: 745 Naira = 1 Dollar, all of us are imagining, everybody in Nigeria is going through a ton. Everybody just got a bundle. Quit charging, it is challenging for everybody.

Netizens answer Netizens who answered Cubana Boss Preist’s post concurred with him that things are troublesome in the country, especially with the expansion in the swapping scale.

Mummy Sam composed: I cleared merchandise at 763 today.

If it’s not too much trouble, get in touch with me. Certain individuals actually get more than others, as indicated by Chigo. In the event that you have, extend it to other people. Many individuals are managing an incredible arrangement.

Essien composed: On the off chance that you have even a limited quantity in excess, if it’s not too much trouble, contribute. Every other person is going through it, and certain individuals’ concerns are far more terrible.


— BRYANN’S MUSIC 🐻🎶 (@Jeffery_0011) October 12, 2022

Nike composed: It’s the manner in which individuals don’t say anything negative while imagining that all is great for me!!

Sweetylyx composed: Even the well off are going through a ton, not to mention the individuals who don’t.