It looks like EVE: Valkyrie, developed by CCP Games, will be the one to kick things off this year with the announcement of its alpha, enabling players around the world with an Oculus Rift DK2 to sign up for the alpha beginning on the 18th of January via the official website. 

Now that’s out the way, for those who might be wondering what EVE: Valkyrie is all about, it’s a multiplayer dogfighting shooter set in the EVE Online universe. You know, that notoriously hardcore MMO set in space?

EVE: Valkyrie looks a lot less complicated!

If you were one of the first waves who pre-ordered the Oculus Rift headset, EVE: Valkyrie will be one of the games bundled with it on its release on March 28, 2016. To those that pre-order later, a later ship date will follow. 

Keep in mind though that while EVE: Valkyrie is a launch title for the Oculus Rift, it is still considered ’early access’. In CCP’s words:

EVE: Valkyrie will be available on the PlayStation 4 as well as a PlayStation VR title. 

EVE  Valkyrie Alpha just around the corner   EVE  Valkyrie  - 73EVE  Valkyrie Alpha just around the corner   EVE  Valkyrie  - 67