The additional pressure comes from the likelihood of things blowing up in the face of the hacker, and damaging or even destroying the ship. A timer will also trigger the arrival of NPC security forces intent on defending their secrets.

The implication of these sites is that new technology is on its way which will be central to future events and game design. This is further hinted at in The Only Way is Through, a fiction chronicle written by EVE’s chief loremeister, CCP Abraxus, who explained on the forums:

The description of the “Villard Wheel” structure central to the new technology seems significant and perhaps ties into the exploration themes woven throughout Rubicon (and Odyssey), reinforcing the idea of transportation by mysterious means.

It’s been quite a while since CCP’s development has addressed the creaky PvE element of EVE Online and this new content heralds the possibility of this omission being further addressed. Content developer CCP Affinity, the designer behind the ghost sites, has expressed a desire to address this:

There is a vast amount of hidden content already within EVE, but there’s always room for more, as well as new ways to explore it…

NEXT: Gorgeous Multi-Role Exploration Ships